Filming and Photography

Filming Enquiries

Belmont House and Gardens offers a dramatic and unspoilt setting for filmmakers.

We welcome filming and photography enquires and would be glad to do all we can to accommodate your needs. Please email the Estate Administrator on or call 01795 890 202 to discuss filming opportunities.

Belmont House is part of a 3000 acres estate which offers a range of beautiful locations for TV, film and photography.

Read our Filming and Photography Policy

As Seen On TV

Previous productions made at Belmont include BBC Antiques Roadshow, CBBC’S Hetty Feather series 3, 4, 5 and 6, BBC Antiques Roadtrip and BBC 2 Collectaholics.

Commercials and publicity photoshoots have also taken place on location including Children Salon Autumn 2019 Collection, BHS Christmas Catalogue and Country Life Magazine.

The House and Gardens are open to the public at certain times of the year during our visitor season.

We may consider requests to close parts of the property if required.

Due to the nature of the building and business, there are normally charges for any filming and photography.

Fees vary depending on the type of filming or photo shoot, with each enquiry assessed individually to accommodate your crew’s specific needs.