Kitchen Garden

Kitchen Garden

The large walled Kitchen Garden across the drive from the house was restored in 2001 to a design by the renowned Lady Arabella Lennox-Boyd. It features a charming mix of lawn, fruit trees and shrubs, as well as a wide variety of vegetables and flowers. The garden is approached through a nuttery and provides a view through pergolas to a sundial, surrounded by a semi-circle of pleached Pyrus Chanticleer. The sundial dates from the construction of the house (1790). The impressive Victorian greenhouse welcomes visitors to wander through. Head Gardener Graeme Watts was closely involved in the restoration of the kitchen garden ‘From dereliction to a timeless abundance of produce and colours in 18 months was quite a challenge!’. Graeme is often available for gardening advice.

We look forward to welcoming you

Plants and produces from the Kitchen Garden are available for sale in accordance with the seasons.

“The gardens are

glorious, informal

and a joy to explore”

Belmont Logo

The Head Gardener, Graeme Watts, is available for Garden Tours. See the events page for ‘open’ tours with the Head Gardener.